Zoom Organic Elderberry Syrup
Zoom Organic Elderberry Syrup
Zoom Organic Elderberry Syrup
Zoom Organic Elderberry Syrup
Zoom Organic Elderberry Syrup

Organic Elderberry Syrup


Elderberry syrup is known for its immune-supporting properties, making it an excellent supplement during cold and flu season, and throughout the year! But not every elderberry syrup has the three major advantages of potency, quality, and clean ingredients. Many elderberry syrups have added ingredients such as sugar, citric acid, alcohol, or other natural or artificial flavors that are not good for your health. Vimergy Organic Elderberry Syrup is sweetened with only organic raw honey. We never use any additives, citric acid or alcohol.

Elderberry can be used to support the immune system, cardiovascular system, skin health, and is an excellent source of the antioxidant vitamin C. It’s also very simple to take. Enjoy a teaspoon directly or add it to water, juice or smoothies. It’s a great way for adults and children to boost their immune systems!


Product Information



• 7 倍功效;每份用量含有更多黑接骨木莓,富含黃酮類化合物,提供強大抗氧化保護;配方不含水,濃縮配方進一步提升其功效。 

• 支援呼吸道,提供快速舒緩;接骨木和蜂蜜舒緩嬌嫩的呼吸組織,並支援免疫系統。 

• 液體配方幫助迅速吸收;比膠囊、片劑或軟糖形式吸收得更快和更好。 

• 純淨配方;僅含四種潔淨成分,不含糖分、粘合劑或填充劑等添加劑。


  • 舒緩呼吸道,支援呼吸組織。 
  • 通過幫助免疫系統以隨時應對各種挑戰,從而加強免疫力。 
  • 在促進整體健康的同時,維持身體的自然防禦系統。
  • 提供黑接骨木莓這種超級水果的強效抗氧化益處,且富含類黃酮。 
  • 美國農業部有機認證,純淨配方、非基因改造、不含麩質、酒精、玉米、大豆、糖或其他任何填充劑或粘合劑成分。








如果您處於孕期、哺乳期,或有任何健康狀況或正在服用任何藥物,請在使用前諮詢您的醫生。對於2至12歲的兒童,每天請不要超過1茶匙。本產品含有蜂蜜。 如果您對本產品有任何不良反應,請立即停止使用並諮詢您的醫生。 

Organic Elderberry Syrup
